Hi-Beau International introduces the 1st Natural Menstrual Care Product that allows all ladies to drink to your comfort during that time of the month! ChocoMarvelTM is a revolutionary product that differs from traditional menstrual relief; it combines a rich chocolate drink with natural plant extracts that are targeted to help ladies manage the various symptoms and discomforts during menstruation. Stay energetic and fresh throughout the day with ChocoMarvelTM, your natural menstrual relief that will allow you to drink to your comfort, delighting you every month!
This Sachet is like a soothing pills for girls who had their cramps every month.
Contain plant extract that aids in more health benefit. Not just delicious but nutritious!:D
Yea, you know choco helps but you just couldnt accept the fact tat it gonna be NON-FATTENING..if i were to tell you this.
Which the truth is...Choco Marvel is specially created for us ,vain girls and it's really
NOT FATTENING AT ALL! It gave us the sin-less energy that also helps to reduce uncomfy during our periods...
NOT FATTENING AT ALL! It gave us the sin-less energy that also helps to reduce uncomfy during our periods...
Ingrediant list:
- Chasteberry Extract
- Angelica Extract
-Ginger Extract
- L-Theanie
-Black sugar
-Ferric Pyrophosphate
-Vitamin B complex
-Non-dairy creamer
Made out of non-fattening ingredient and it's so beauty supplementary in a pack!
Taste light and soothing. You can still taste the strong choco and it's not so thick and it's like the version on lighter taste of Hot chocolate and thicker taste of milo.
Just so guilt-free taste too me. Tell e if there's fat in it..i will not feel guilty.
FREE sample today:
For more info, please download it from:
For more info, please download it from:
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