Sunday, September 18, 2011

Wil be starting my new job soon! And patiently waiting for save up for my next trip to taiwan on feb!:D I know it's still long but im already all prepare. :D
Was pretty lazy these few days that i hardly get to blog.;(
And i believe you guys probably have left me on the shelf alr!!
Come back!

So lazy to even stick my fake lashes. LOL

I was thinking of getting myself a perm.

Should i?But i might look more mature uh?:D My family made pasta a new outfit.:D

The baby panty suits her and at last, she looks like a baby girl instead of baby boy!:D

Now you see what i mean?:D


  1. I get what you mean by lazy days :) I like your straight hair! it's so shiny!!! pls don't perm it :(

  2. hi pinkoolaid!
    My hair is getting dry;(
